Label: CBS COL 494476-2
2CD set
Track Listing
Disc One
1. Prologe
2. Warning for the decade
3. January 20, 1961--"Ask not...'
4. November 14, 1961 "Pablo Casals..."
5. John F. Kennedy: "Each Day.."
6. JFK "Each day the crisis....."
7. Senator JFK-Vice President Nixon
8. April 17,1961: UN Security Council
9. April 21, 1961: News confrence
10. July 25, 1961: JFK: Berlin crisis
11. March 21, 1962: JFK: "Inequity of Life..."
12. June 26, 1963: JFK "Ich bin ein Berliner"
13. JFK humor: Decemebr 6, 1961: NAM speech
14. September 29, 1960: Chairman Nikita Krushchev
15. October 3, 1960: Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold
16. September 25, 1961: JFK delivers Hammarskjold
17. October 25, 1962: Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
18. October 22, 1962: JFK reports to nation on Cuban...
19. December 17, 1962: JFK describes Andrei Gromyko at White House
20. october 28, 1962: Radio Moscow: Cuban missle crisis
21. JFK: Sums up Cuban missle crisis
22. November 7, 1962: Richard Nixon
23. Feburary 20, 1962
24. May 8, 1963
25. June 10, 1963: JFK American University
26. July 26, 1963: JFK announces "important first step.."
27. June 11, 1963: Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenberger
28. August 28, 1963: Civil rights march on Washington
29. November 22, 1963: Interruption of....and first announcment of President Kennedy assassination:
30. November 24, 1963: Lee Hrvey Oswald interviewed...Jack Ruby
31. November 25, 1963 Funeral of JFK
32. November 27, 1963: Lyndon B. Johnson President
33. May 1964: Senator Everett Dirkson...
34. July 16, 1964: Republican National Convention..
35. July 14, 1964: Republician National Convention...
36. August 27, 1964: Democratic national Convention in Atlantic City
37. August 1964: Harlem riots
38. August 4, 1964: Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam incident
39. ay 24, 1964: candidate Barry Goldwater suggests defoliation...
40. 1970: Reprise on Tonkin Gulf resolution
41. February, 1965: Malcom X defines Black Power. Mrs. Maclom x describes his assassination
42. May 2, 1965: Santo Domingo intervention: Lyndon B. johnson orders in US Marines
Disc Two
44. January 28, 1966: Senate Foreign Relations Committe hearings
45. Government officials voice optimism about Vietnam...
46. August 5, 1965: Burning of villiage of Cam Ne:
47. November, 1965: Great power blackout: Roger Mudd;
48. Contrast in music of decade: ....
49. October 4, 1965: Pope Paul VI at United Nations
50. Riots and civil disorders: Watts, Los Angeles...
51. Feburary 29, 1968: Report of President's Commission on Violence
52. Bob Dylan: "The Times They Are A Changin'"
53. Six-Day War: israel and Egypt
54. June 5, 1967: Gamal Abdel Nasser....
55. June 5, 1967: War comes to Cairo:
56. June 5, 1967: First reports...
57. June 7, 1967: President Nasser resigns.
58. June 7, 1967 Israeli troops at Wailing Wall of anciet temple
59. January 1968: New Hampshire Primary:
60. March 16, 1968: Senator Robert F. Kennedy decides to run
61. March 31, 1968: Lyndon B. Johnson announces....
62. April 4, 1968: Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
63. "We Shall Overcome"......
64. April 5, 1968: Robert F. Kennedy interrupts campaigning to speak
65. June 4, 1968: California Primary and Robert F. Kennedy....assassination
66. June 8, 1968: Senator Edward M. kennedy delivers Robert F. Kennedy eulogy
67. August 8, 1968: Republican National Convention
68. August 28-29, 1968: Democratic National Convention
69. August 20, 1969 Invasion of Czechoslovakia:
70. May, 1968: Demonstrations at Columbia university....
71. April 28, 1969: President Charles de Gaulle of France
72. September 11, 1968: George Wallace campaigns for President ....
73. September 30, 1968 Hubert H. Humpry, Salt Lake City
74. November 6, 1968: Richard M. Nixon's victory statement,
75. December 24, 1968: Appolo Eight orbits Moon.
76. Apollo Eleven: first Moon landing: July 16 1969
77. July 24, 1969: President Richard Nixon greets astronauts....
78. August, 1969: Woodstock Festival: Sly & The Family Stone
79. July 25, 1969: Incident at Chappaquiddick:
80. January 20, 1969: Richard Nixon inaugral speech:.,........
81. November 3, 1969: Richard Nixon, Vietnam Policy speech
82. October 15, 1969-November 15, 1969: Peace demonstration
83. November 13, 1969: Vice President Agnew....
84. April 29, 1970: Eric Sevareid answers Vice President:
85. Cheif Justice Earl Warren: In One of his rare replies to Congressional..
86. January 20, 1969: Richard Nixon: 'We find ourselves........ reaching for the Moon"
87. Epilogue: July 9, 1965
88. December 25, 1968: "To see the Earth as it truly is...."