Mondo Cane (Colonna Sonora) : original soundtrack



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SKU: Vergara ‎– 740 - XE Categories: , Tags: ,


Composer: Riz Ortolani, Nino Oliviero
Label: Vergara ‎– 740 - XE
Year: 1964
Condition: used
Grade: vg
Spanish issue

side one
A1 Life Savers Girls (More) 2:43
A2 The Damned Island = L'Isola Maledetta 2:45
A3 Girls And Sailors = Ragazze E Marinai 1:17
A4 Hong Kong Cha Cha Cha Breakfast At The Colony = Colazione Al Colony 3:24
A5 The Last Flight = L'Ultimo Volo 2:09
A6 Dog Heat 1:03
A7 China Tarantella 1:16
A8 The Fisherman Of Ragjput-The Sharks = I Pescatori Di Ragjput-Gli Squali 4:14

side two
B1 Models In Blue = Modelle In Blu 3:41
B2 Free Way 1:49
B3 House Of Death = Casa Della Morte 1:39
B4 Pergatory = Il Purgatorio 1:26
B5 Repabhan Street = Repabhan Strasse 2:11
B6 The Festival Of The Bull = La Forcata 3:27
B7 Cargo Cult-Finale Del Film 4:25