Soleil Rouge / Red Sun : original soundtrack



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SKU: ACV-15001 Categories: ,


Composer: Maurice Jarre
Label: Acción ‎– ACV-15001
Year: 1972
Condition: used
Grade: vg
Spanish Issue

side one
A1 Sol Rojo (Red Sun) 2:24
A2 El Entierro (Burial) 2:45
A3 Hacia las Montanas (To The Mountains) 2:34
A4 Comanches (Commanches) 3:25
A5 Probando (Just Testing) 2:05
A6 Los Juncales Ardiendo (Canefield Afire) 2:02

side two
B1 Samurai (Samourai) 2:39
B2 Persecucion (Pursuit) 1:52
B3 Terror en los Juncales (Terror In The Canes) 2:00
B4 Seduccion (Seduction) 4:12
B5 La Espada (The Sword) 2:20
B6 Sol Rojo (Red Sun) - Final 2:53